I see so many people, including myself, get caught in the process of “getting THERE” that we forget to BE HERE. Most of us spend our lives waiting for the day when we will start living our lives, the day when everything will be perfect, in fact “picture perfect”. We focus so much on the magical dream life which is somewhere in the future that we forget the whole point of enjoying life NOW, the only moment that is available for us to enjoy.
We have an internal “to do” list that tells us that when we get all those things done, then our lives will truly begin. And in reality, that list never gets done because it continues to repopulate itself.
Here is a non-exhausting list of things we tell ourselves: “I will be happy when…”
- “When I take my vacation, I’ll be able to relax”.
- “When I get retired, I’ll have more time to enjoy my life”.
- “When I get divorced or find a real love of my live, I’ll be happy”.
- When I resolve all my problems with my parents, siblings, spouse, colleagues, boss, life will be so much better”.
- “When I do enough of self improvements and fix myself or my partner, I’ll be able to finally live my life with purpose”.
- “When I fix up my home and get all the projects done on the house, I’ll be able to finally enjoy living in it”.
- “When I get over this stressful project that is making me crazy, I’ll enjoy my life once again”.
We live our lives as if this life now is not a real life, as if it’s a pretend life, and when we get our picture perfect life all together (internally and externally), we will be able to start living it. We spend so much of our energy fixing, perfecting and waiting for something better that we miss our lives. This is a very sad reality and I see it playing out all the time.
What is the solution? We have to be able to draw a line and realize that THIS IS IT and stop waiting for “something better” and take control back and commit to living our lives NOW.
It is liberating to stop waiting because the beauty, the true magic and fulfillment are all available to us right now. All we have to do is stop wanting the future to bring us something amazing and to notice that it’s already here and the reason why we haven’t seen it is because we’ve been fantasizing what could be fulfilling to us in the future.
Here are practical suggestions to help you be happy now:
- Treat yourself lovingly and compassionately and stop comparing yourself against “successes” of other people.
- Slow down and connect to your breath and your body and let your mind take a break as you enjoy being in the moment at Blissful Rejuvenation Secrets 2-hour mini-retreat.
- Be proud of your special gifts and talents that you might be taking for granted.
- Treat yourself to a Gentle Heart Women’s Yoga Circle to be seen, celebrated and cherished by other compassionate women for who you are and not for what you do
- Value living in the present and take time to appreciate the little things, like the birds chirping outside of my window on this beautiful May 1 day!
- Find ways to make everyday duties and responsibilities fun, creative and playful
- Look for ways to fulfill the needs that were not met in your childhood.
Here is a list of positive things to say to yourself to begin to enjoy your life now:
- I am lovable and capable. I am confident and strong.
- I cherish my child-like self and the parts of myself that I lost touch with.
- At the heart of my life, all is well and beautiful.
- I release any judgements of myself. I forgive myself and see any mistakes as opportunities for growth.
- As I take time for self-care, I have more to give when I myself am nourished and rejuvenated.
- I am beautiful, talented and lovable, just as I am.
- I am as kind to myself as I am to my best friend.
I am sending you blessings and so much support and love for your journey of loving and appreciating all the beautiful things inside of you and all around you on this gorgeous first day of May.
I would love to celebrate life with you in the moment and invite you to join me once a month for the Blissful Rejuvenation Secrets, luscious 2-hour mini-retreat at the peaceful grounds of Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center. See the full schedule for 2018 HERE.
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