
“Restore your Balance” Retreat

A retreat to restore your deep energy reserves depleted from the push-push in life. Designed to awaken your inner abundance & spark of life once again.

During “Restore Your Balance” retreat you will:

  • Luxuriate in profound relaxation with Yoga Nidra (guided meditation based on sleep)
  • Activate your body’s ability to heal with therapeutic yoga and self-massage
  • Experience a meditative walk in the peaceful surroundings of the Tibetan Cultural Center
  • Partake in a tea ceremony to find profound connection to yourself and others
  • Uncover the wellspring of joy with soulful dance
  • Be nourished with a delicious organic lunch
  • Participate in heart centered group sharing
  • Create your personal inspiring vision board for 2020

Self Investment:

Regular – $295
Register with a Buddy – $495 (SAVE $95!)

Overnight Accommodation Options

For out of town guests or for anyone looking to get away and spend the night in the serenity of the Tibetan Cultural Center which is located on 108 acres of forested land, there are three fully equipped retreat yurts and several retreat rooms on the second level of the Cultural Center Building. A perfect fit for spiritual retreats or anyone seeking solitude and reflection. To reserve your room or cottage, please call Tenpa at 812-327-5597.

Things to explore at the Retreat Center

Gift Store: The Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center Store welcomes you. We have a variety of item to sell, most of them handmade by native Tibetans, Mongolians or monks and nuns in exile in India. Your purchase helps the Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center fulfill its mission to support Tibetans, both in Tibet and In Exile.

There is a meditation trail that will take you through various sites, such as prayer wheels, stupas, mandala, temple building which you are welcome to visit and spend time in admiring the beauty of Tibetan art and spiritual adornments.


Restore your Balance Retreat


Retreat Information

16 CEU's offered to Yoga Teachers through Yoga Alliance.

Date & Time Information

April 18 - April 19, 2020

This 2-day retreat will be held on three dates in 2020, starting on a Saturday and ending on Sunday:

  • April 18th - 19th at 9:00 am - 6:00pm

Healthy lunch, snacks and teas will be served on both days.

Art supplies and vision board materials will be provided!


    Location Information

    The Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center

    654 Snoddy Road Bloomington, IN 47408


    Start of image carousel
    Yoga Mats set up for Restore Your Balance day-long retreat in Bloomington, Indiana
    Yulia Azriel and Gabriel Lantz and their dog Tiny setting up for "Restore Your Balance" day-long retreat in Bloomington, Indiana
    Guided meditation during Restore Your Balance day-long retreat with Yulia Azriel and Gabriel Lantz in Bloomington, Indiana
    Friendly group after Restore Your Balance day-long retreat with Yulia Azriel and Gabriel Lantz in Bloomington, Indiana
    Women smiling wide after completing "Restore Your Balance" day-long retreat with Yulia Azriel and Gabriel Lantz in Bloomington, Indiana
    End of image carousel

    What Others Say About Their Experience

    I am a pretty wound up kind of guy... I was really not prepared at how powerful this guided meditation was going to be.

    What really surprised me at the end of the afternoon session was this part when you actually let go into the nothingness. I was really not prepared at how powerful this part was going to be. That really spoke well to your instruction and to the way that you progressed in that instruction in the way that gave that outcome at the end. That was surprising to me because I would say I am a pretty wound up kind of guy and it takes something for me to get relaxed into the world of nothing.

    I thought coming to the retreat was very practical and it was worthwhile and I would do it again.

    Testimonial by – Duane Schau Retired Director of Information Technology Services Bloomington, IN

    Before the retreat, I was feeling overwhelmed with too many responsibilities. After the retreat, I felt the sense of calm that things were not bothering me as much anymore.

    The Yoga Nidra that Yulia leads is very special and it is really the heart of the retreat. What makes the Yoga Nidra so special is that it’s like a juicy powered nap plus meditation combined. You feel so nurtured and rested and it’s a very deep space of rest and meditation. You are just lead through the whole thing. And the whole retreat is lead very beautifully. You are just so taken cared of. I felt so nurtured and relaxed through the whole thing. The space in which it happens is amazing for you to go deep and rest and get a safe space to let go and relax.

    It’s easy to get overwhelmed with life being so busy and to push ourselves a little too far, and say yes I’m going to do one more extra thing, one extra thing. We have the built up adrenal fatigue from pushing ourselves too hard in life. These retreats and Yoga Nidra help us recharge our batteries, restore our energy levels so you can come back to life with your full energy and be at your best.

    Testimonial by – Daniel Moss Web Developer Los Angeles, California

    This retreat was a catalyst in me getting closer toward my authentic self and what I want in my life.

    Before participating in “Restore Your Balance” retreat I felt stressed out because of work. I loved the Yoga Nidra that allowed me the rest that I needed and I was able to feel more relaxed than I had felt in months.

    I would say if you are on a fence, just think about when was the last time you did something for yourself and how much have you invested into yourself lately because I can tell you from personal experience it was really great for me.

    There is a part of myself that I tend to ignore when I am not listening and with Yulia’s Yoga Nidra I really was able to check in with that and tune into that small voice inside of me that needed to tell me some things that I had been skimming over previously. Well, I’ve made some pretty drastic changes in my life after this retreat and I have to say I believe this retreat was a catalyst in me being able to delve deeper into those changes, getting closer toward my authentic self and what I want in my life and say no to the things that were keeping me from that part of myself that I had missed.”

    Testimonial by – Michelle Garrison Marketing Director California

    Have a Question? I would love to hear from you