A Luxurious 2-hour bi-Monthly Retreats from your “too busy life”.
During these 2-hour retreats from your “too busy life” you will:
- Rejuvenate and rebuild your energy reserves
- Experience the essential peace that resides within you
- Accelerate healing power of your physical and emotional Self
- Cultivate a new relationship with your body, mind, emotions, Inner Child, friends, and your life
Watch the video below
This 2-hour experience will include the following activities:
- Guided Visualization to activate imagination as a powerful tool for bringing positive change in your life
- Whole body self-massage to release stagnation and awaken the healing power of the life force energy
- Gentle stretches to bring mobility and subtleness and flexibility to the joints
- Journaling prompts to see more clearly where you want to grow in your life
- Yoga Nidra meditation as a culmination of the 2 hours to restore your reserves, awaken inspiration and creativity to move forward in life with more lightness and refreshed perspective
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